The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is the Custodian of the United Nations Legal Instruments on Road Traffic Safety, Road Signs and Signals, Road Vehicles Regulations, Periodical Inspection of Road Vehicles, Transport of Dangerous Goods and Driving/Rest Time Control, respectively.
The United Nations Legal Instruments are administered through Dedicated Working Parties, including the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1), Working Party on Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) and the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29).
Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) is entrusted with the administration of several Legal Instruments relating to Road Traffic Safety, including the 1949 and 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and the 1968 Convention on Road Signs and Signals.
Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) plays a pivotal role in the evaluation and recommendation of numerous Road Traffic Safety Issues, Tools, and Systems through the Formulation of Resolutions. It holds the responsibility of safeguarding and updating its responsible Legal Instruments and Resolutions, to which India is also a signatory, with the overarching objective of harmonizing Road Traffic Regulations on a global scale.
Traditionally, the Working Party Meetings of UNECE have convened within the Palais des Nations Complex in Geneva.
The First President of the Republic of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad founded the AAUI [Automobile Association of Upper India] in the Year 1950 and graciously accepted to be its first Patron-in-Chief.
The AAUI is providing number of services to the Motoring Community and the Road Users since 1950 with its global network in more than 150 countries, and is part of the FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile].
The AAUI [Automobile Association of Upper India] was earlier registered as Non-Profit Body under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956, and with the Amendment of the Companies Act, 2019, it is now registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2019, with the main objectives to help and assists the Motoring Community, Road Users and the Government Authorities in Road Safety Education, Environmental and Tourism Promotional Programmes. Automobile Associations are functioning in more than 150 counties including India.
The AAUI is part of the FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile], which comprises of Automobile Associations in over 150 countries.
The FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile] is a Global Organisation that not only Promotes Motor Sport, but also Safe, Sustainable and Accessible Mobility for all Road Users across the World. As such, the Federation works across three key interlinked areas of activity – Sport, Campaigns and Mobility. In the realm of Mobility, the FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile] aims to ensure that safe, affordable and clean systems of transport are available to all. The promotion of safe and sustainable forms of mobility has in turn led the FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile] to commit to Global Sustainability Initiatives and also to found its own major response to Road Safety Concerns, FIA Action for Road Safety.
This worldwide campaign, in support of the UN's Decade of Action for Road Safety, aims to reduce fatalities on the roads by Five Million before 2020. As the Governing Body of Motor Sport, the FIA ensures that fair, capably regulated and above all safe events are conducted in all corners of the globe. Ultimately, the FIA's goal is simple – to Keep You Moving, Safely and Dynamically.
The AAUI has collected over 1,00,000 signatures in support of the Safe Drive Campaign and also organised a magna opus ceremony to honour Mr. Jean Todt, President, FIA [Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile], UN SG's Special Envoy for Road Safety and Chief of Formula One [F1] at the IIT Auditorium, New Delhi.

Mr. Navin Kumar Jaggi studied at St. Columbas High School, at that time the Best School of the Country. He majored in Economics from Hindu College, University of Delhi. Thereafter, he graduated in Law from the Campus Law Centre and did his Masters in Law from Law Centre- I, Law Faculty, Delhi University. He is a former Law Teacher of Delhi University, where he taught Law of Pleadings and Conveyancing, Law of Limitation, Arbitration Law, Labour Law, Law relating to the Seas, and Constitutional Law.
A second-generation lawyer, son of Advocate Mr. Basant Kumar Jaggi, of the, landed gentry, who started his law practice in the year 1923 at Rawalpindi, now Islamabad in Pakistan, before the partition of the sub-continent, he is carrying on the legacy to reach 100 years in 2023.
Practising as an Advocate since July 17, 1972, he is the present CEO of Jaggi Jaggi and Jaggi, International Attorneys at Law and a Life Member of the Supreme Court Bar Association. The former Standing Counsel Central Government of the Union of India and the Delhi Development Authority, he was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award for Dyslexia by the former Hon'ble Chief Justice, Uttaranchal High Court, Mr. Ashoke A. Desai. He is the recipient of the Award for Excellence in the Legal Profession by two former Chief Justices of India namely Hon'ble Mr Chief Justice A.M. Ahmadi & Hon'ble Mr. Chief Justice Rangnath Mishra.
Re-elected as the Vice-President of the Automobile Association of Upper India- AAUI, which is an affiliate of FIA covering 173 countries, he is also the International President of Balkan-ji- Bari International.
Former President of the Lions Club Panchsheel, he rose to be the Region Chairman of the International Association of the Lions Clubs, District 321-A. An Associate Member of the National Maritime Foundation, Life Member of The National Geographic Society, Life Member of Indian Law Institute- ILI, Deemed University, he is also the Member of Bikaner House.
The erstwhile Legal Advisor at Max Mueller Bhawan, New Delhi YMCA, ITDC, Diocese of Delhi, Church of North India, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese, Delhi & The Delhi Public School Society, he was also the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Home Affairs, Hindu College Parliament, Examiner at the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India- ICAI.

Mahendra Kumar Aggarwal

Jitendra Kumar Yadav

Inder Pal Singh Jolly

Meena Rawat
Joint Secretary
Chief Technical Officer
Chief Instructor
Senior Executive

Ram Swaroop

Ram Baran Singh